Oct 28 - Nov 1


GEC 2019 Workshops - Monday, October 28, 2019

  1. 7:30 am: Refreshments
  2. Laser Diagnostics in Plasmas – Century Ballroom I

  3. 7:50 am: Introduction to workshop (Christopher Limbach, Texas A&M)
  4. 8:00 am: Untangling complex physics with Thomson scattering (Sedina Tsikata; CNRS) 
  5. 8:45 am: Non-resonant, four wave mixing laser diagnostic techniques (Alexandros Gerakis; Texas A&M)
  6. 9:30 am: break
  7. 9:40 am: Localized, time accurate measurements of electric and magnetic fields in partially ionized, low temperature plasmas (Richard Miles; Texas A&M)
  8. 10:25am: Optical diagnostics in a plasma torch facility (Sean McGuire; Ecole CentraleSupélec)
  9. 11:10 am: fs/ps-CARS and ultra-fast spectroscopy (Chris Kliewer; Sanida National Laboratories)
  10. 11:55 pm: Wrap-up
  11. 12:00 noon – 1:15 pm: Lunch on your own
  12. Modeling and Validation – Century Ballroom I

  13. 1:15 pm: Verification, validation, and benchmarking of plasma models (Ken Hara; Stanford)
  14. 1:45 pm: Modeling dust particle charging in plasmas (Lorin Matthews; Baylor)
  15. 2:15 pm: break
  16. 2:25 pm: Current challenges in the modeling and validation of PIC and fluid simulations for low-temperature plasmas (Anne Bourdon; Ecole Polytechinque)
  17. 2:55 pm: State-resolved models of chemically reactive air flows (Daniil Andrienko; Texas A&M)
  18. 3:25 pm: Thoughts on making plasma models quantitatively accurate (Shahid Rauf; Applied Materials)
  19. 3:55 pm: Wrap-up
  20. 4:00 pm: End
  21. Scientific Writing Workshop, 9am – 12 pm, ROSS I & II

  22. Led by Dr. Ted Hartwig (Professor Emeritus Texas A&M University Mechanical Engineering, Material Science and Engineering). This morning workshop has two main goals. Firstly, to provide the participants with a set of “tools” helping them to present their scientific results in a clear and interesting way and, secondly, to make them aware of various strategic issues connected to paper writing (in which journal to publish, proper cover letter to the editor, etc.). The participants are encouraged to bring drafts of own papers, or an abstract for at least one paper, but this is not a prerequisite.