Invited Speakers

The list of invited speakers (alphabetical) at the 2022 GEC in Sendai, Japan are as follows:

Adamovich, Igor: Ohio State University, USA
Ns pulse and hybrid discharges for plasma chemistry and plasma catalysis applications

Agarwal, Sumit: Colorado School of Mines, USA
Strategies to enhance etch selectivity during fluorocarbon plasma-assisted atomic layer etching of silicon-based dielectrics

Akatsuka, Hiroshi: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Optical Emission Spectroscopy Measurement for Plasma Parameter Identification -- from Kinetic Modeling to Data Science

Barrachina, Raul: Bariloche Atomic Centre, Argentina
Transcending the impact parameter approach by means of a full quantum distorted wave description of ion-atom and ion-molecule collisions

Barret, Steven: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Electroaerodynamic propulsion by atmospheric-pressure plasma forces

Bourdon, Anne: Ecole Polytechnique, France
Chemistry of low-pressure iodine plasmas

Camata, Renato: University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Plasma synthesis and processing of nanostructured quantum materials

Charles, Christine: The Australian National University, Australia
Radiofrequency plasma thrusters and related studies

Chang, Bingdong: Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Advanced plasma processes for three-dimensional nanophotonics

Chiang, Wei-Hung: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Microplasma technology for nanomaterials synthesis and processing

Choe, Wonho: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Stabilization of gas-liquid boundary with atmospheric pressure plasma jets

Colgan, James: Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
The role of atomic physics in collisional-radiative modeling of tin plasmas for lithography

Cvelbar, Uros: Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Nanoplasmonic sensors designed by plasmas

Fontes, Christopher: Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Low-Temperature Lanthanide Spectroscopy Applied to Neutron Star Mergers

Gans, Timo: Dublin City University, Ireland
The role of surface interactions and negative ions in radio-frequency driven plasmas

Gherardi, Matteo: University of Bologn, Italy
Deposition of silicon-based thin films with atmospheric-pressure plasmas

Gibson, Andrew: Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Understanding and control of chemical pathways in molecular gas-based plasma sources

Hamdan, Ahmad: Université de Montréal, Canada
Production of nanomaterials by pulsed electrical discharges in dielectric liquid

Hara, Kentaro: Stanford University, USA
Instabilities and turbulent processes in low-temperature magnetized plasmas

Haruyama, Tetsuya: Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Plasma / liquid (P/L) interfacial reaction for gas reduction reaction

Helmersson, Ulf: Linköping University, Sweden
High-power pulsed gas-flow sputter synthesis of nanoparticles, core/shell nanoparticles, and extended chain-like complexes

Hill, Christian: Vienna International Centre, Austria
Atomic and molecular data activities at the IAEA in support of nuclear fusion energy research

Hori, Masaru: Nagoya University, Japan Evolution of Reactive Plasma Processes by Radical Control (tentative)

Hoshino, Masamitsu: Sophia University, Japan
Quantitative measurements of electron collision cross sections and their database related to plasma modeling

Iqbal, Muzammil: Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Korea
Plasma assisted green ammonia production from water and nitrogen at atmospheric pressure

Ishikawa, Kenji: Nagoya University, Japan
Plasma-functional nitrogen effects on biological, medical, and agricultural applications

Kadyrov, Alisher: Curtin University, Australia
Ion-induced differential ionisation of helium at intermediate energies

Kamataki, Kunihiro: Kyushu University, Japan
Measurements of strength and fluctuation of 2D electric fields in plasmas using a fine particle trapped with laser tweezers

Kersten, Holger: Kiel University, Germany
Plasma diagnostics of a micro-discharge intended for in situ TEM studies

Komuro, Atsushi: The University of Tokyo, Japan
Modeling of chemical reaction processes induced by an atmospheric-pressure streamer discharge in air

Lacoste, Deanna: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Non-equilibrium plasma discharges for combustion applications: experiments and diagnostics

Laroussi, Mounir: Old Dominion University, USA
Cold atmospheric plasmas in biology and medicine: The fundamentals

Levko, Dmitry: Esgee Technologies Inc., USA
Development of validated fluorocarbon plasma chemistry for multi-dimensional modeling of semiconductor plasma etch processes

Lietz, Amanda: North Carolina State University, USA
Insights from modeling low pressure high voltage dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas

Likhanskii, Alexandre: Applied Materials, Inc., USA
Bridging the gap between fluid and kinetic plasma simulations for industrial plasma sources

Lim, Yegeon: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Benchmark experiments of the power law parametrization of the effective ion collecting area of a planar Langmuir probe in low temperature plasmas

Liu, Dingxin: Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Air discharge plasma used for preventing SARS-CoV-2 infections

Maguire, Paul: Ulster University, UK
Generating enhanced chemical reactions inside highly charged microscale droplets for remote delivery of reactive radicals and high purity nanomaterials

Makabe, Toshiaki: Keio University, Japan
40 years with studies on radiofrequency plasma and related transport theory

Mesbah, Ali: University of California, Berkeley, USA
The promise of data-driven methods for characterization, diagnostics and control of plasma processing of complex surfaces

Nagashima, Yasuyuki: Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Photodetachment of the positronium negative ion and its applications

Namba, Shinichi: Hiroshima University, Japan
Generation of stationary high-density cascade arc plasmas and its application to plasma windows

Nunomura, Shota: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
Plasma induced electronic defects: formation and recovery mechanism for advanced processing

O'Connor, Robert: Dublin City University, Ireland
Optimisation and understanding of plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition processes using quasi in-situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Oehrlein, Gottlieb: University of Maryland, USA
Infrared studies of the enhancement of catalytic processes by low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma

Ptasinska, Sylwia: University of Notre Dame, USA
Dissociative electron attachment to amides

Puac, Nevena: Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
Role of atmospheric pressure plasma in triggering of cell mechanisms in plant calli

Ren, Xueguang: Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Electron collision with molecules and clusters

Scheiner, Brett: Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Electron Sheaths and Fireballs

Schücke, Lars: Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in a twin surface dielectric barrier discharge for conversion of volatile organic compounds

Shigeta, Masaya: Tohoku University, Japan
Computational studies of thermal-plasma-induced turbulence on nanopowder generation and sustained arc discharge

Shinoda, Kazunori: Hitachi Ltd., Japan
Plasma-assisted, thermal-cyclic atomic-layer etching for selective removal of thin films

Smolyakov, Andrei: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Plasma flow and acceleration in the magnetic nozzle

Sun, Jing-Yu: Dalian University of Technology, China
Resonant sheath heating in weakly magnetized capacitively coupled plasmas due to electron-cyclotron motion

Suzuki, Haruka: Nagoya University, Japan
High-speed synthesis of silver nanoparticles by combination of AgNO3 AgNO3 liquid flow and a microwave plasma

Tachikawa, Masanori: Yokohama City University, Japan
Positron binding in molecules

Takashima, Keisuke: Tohoku University, Japan
Nitrogen vibrational excitation in a non-self-sustained discharge plasma toward efficient nitrogen fixation processes

Trelles, Juan P.: University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
Solar-Plasma Reactors and Processes for Sustainable Chemical Synthesis

Trieschmann, Jan: Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany
Machine learning plasma-surface interactions: from low to high fidelity surrogate models

Uchida, Giichiro: Meijo University, Japan
Next-generation Li-ion battery achieved by the low temperature plasma processes

Veilleux, Jocelyn: Universite de Sherbrooke, Canada
Thermal plasma synthesis of nanoparticles for application in lithium batteries

Zhang, Cheng: Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Ionization wave propagation in nanosecond pulsed discharge and its application

Zhang, Yuantao: Shandong University, China
Modeling study on interactions of code atmospheric plasmas and vegetable oil

Zheng, Bocong: Fraunhofer USA Center Midwest, Michigan State University, USA
Electron power absorption in magnetron sputtering discharges

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