International Online Plasma Seminar - IOPS

Speaker Nomination

For May - October 2025, IOPS speakers can be nominated via the GEC website by anyone from low temperature plasma and collision physics communities until March 20, 2025.

With speakers' consent, presentations are recorded and are made available for on-demand viewing through the GEC IOPS website.

Two types of seminars will be presented:

Types of Seminars

  • Research Highlight (20 minutes + questions): This presentation is intended to summarize a recent publication, and is more highly focused on the topic of the publication.
  • Tutorial/Review (30-45 minutes + questions): This presentation more broadly addresses a topic, and is more like a traditional departmental seminar.

GEC is happy to organize the International Online Plasma Seminar (IOPS), a non-profit international seminar, in order to engage the GEC community throughout the year. The main purpose of the seminar is to make high quality research results in low temperature plasma science and collisional physics available to our community at no cost and interactively, as well as to foster scientific discussion. The IOPS sessions happen bi-weekly via Zoom. In this way presentations, that are otherwise only accessible at conferences, are available to anybody - including those who cannot attend classical onsite meetings due to travel restrictions, financial challenges, or other reasons. The virtual seminar is particularly relevant during the pandemic due to social distancing and travel restrictions. Moreover, often students cannot afford to attend on-site seminars, and have no access to such presentations. The virtual IOPS at no cost is available to the students and everyone in the GEC community

Following each presentation at the IOPS, questions can be asked by all attendees verbally and the speaker can answer them. Based on the speaker’s written consent, presentations will be recorded and will be made available for on-demand download. If speakers do not agree to do this, the presentations can still be given, but will not be recorded. The IOPS speakers can be nominated by anybody and are selected by the IOPS committee (Julian Schulze, Li Wang, Pankaj Attri, Sandra Quintanilla, Yang-Yang Fu, Jun-Chieh Wang and Quan-Zhi Zhang). Additionally, IOPS collaborates with OLTP (Online Low Temperature Plasma) to organize joint seminars.

IOPS Presentations begin at 1:00 pm UTC on Thursdays.
Online Low Temperature Plasma (OLTP) seminars begin at 1:00 pm UTC on Tuesdays.

For more information, and to request the Zoom link and password, please contact the IOPS Chair Jun-Chieh Wang (, or Co-Chair Quan-Zhi Zhang (

Current Seminars


Date Speaker (Affiliation) Presentation
Zoltan Donko (Wigner Research Center for Physics, Hungary) Integration of a collisional radiative model into the particle-in-cell simulation of low-pressure capacitively coupled argon plasmas Video recording
Research Highlight
Martina Mrkvičková (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) Electric field in APTD in nitrogen determined by EFISH, FNS/SPS ratio, α-fitting and electrical equivalent circuit model Video recording
Research Highlight
Yaolin Wang (University of Liverpool) Boosting Ambient Plasma-Catalytic Ammonia Synthesis with a Mesoporous Catalyst Shielding Protection Strategy Video recording
Research Highlight
Wenjun Ning (Sichuan University) Interaction between atmosperic pressure plasma jets and surfaces with complex morphologies Video recording
Research Highlight
Milos Skocic (Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 12, Belgrade, Serbia) Experimental investigations and spectroscopic analysis of a laser-induced breakdown on a solid surface, studying temperature changes, plasma formation, and absorption properties at different stages of the process Video recording
Research Highlight
Marco Acciarri (University of Michigan) Strong correlation effects in atmospheric pressure plasmas Video recording
Research Highlight
Umedjon Khalilov (Arifov Institute of Ion-plasma and Lase Technologies, Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan) Effect of Plasma-Based Species on Carbon Nanostructure Growth: A Computational Approach Video recording
Pankaj Attri (Center of Plasma Nano-interface Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan) Nonthermal plasma application from protein folding to gas conversion Video recording
Research Highlight
Jamoliddin Razzokov (Institute of Fundamental and Applied Research, National Research University TIIAME) Molecular Insights into Cancer Cell Fate: the Role of Oxidation on Apoptosis-Preventing Proteins Video recording
Research Highlight
Ivan Romadanov (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) A confocal laser-induced fluorescence diagnostic with an annular laser beam Video recording
Shaojun Xu (University of Manchester) Non thermal plasma with metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for challenging catalytic processes Slides
Research Highlight
Wei Zhang (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Interaction between radio-frequency wave and edge plasma in fusion devices Video recording
Research Highlight
Aleksandar Jovanović (Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) Introduction of FEDM, the Finite Element Discharge Modelling code Video recording
Hyo-Chang Lee (Korea Aerospace University) Plasma control for nanomaterial and semiconductor processing Video recording
Lanbo Di (Dalian University) Synthesis of metal catalysts by cold plasma and their energy and environmental applications Video recording
Research Highlight
Shuqun Wu (Nanjing university of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Atmospheric-pressure microplasmas with high electron density for terahertz filtering Video recording
Research Highlight
Maria Cecilia Oliveira (University of Antwerp, Belgium) Molecular insight into the effects of plasma on cancer cells: behavior of nitro-oxidized cell membranes Video recording
Research Highlight
Satoshi Hamaguchi (Osaka University) Plasma Surface Interactions for Semiconductor Etching and Deposition Processes Video recording
Mate Vass (AEPT Ruhr University Bochum) Hybrid fluid/MC simulations of radio-frequency atmospheric pressure plasma jets Video recording
Research Highlight
Kathryn Hamilton (University of Colorado Denver) Generating Atomic Data for Plasma Physics on the AMOS Gateway Video recording
Research Highlight
Ning Liu (City University of Hong Kong) Unraveling Nonequilibrium Generation of Atomic Nitrogen and Hydrogen in Plasma-Aided Ammonia Synthesis Video recording
Trevor Lafleur (University of New South Wales Canberra) Iodine electric propulsion: Overview, current state-of-the-art, and remaining challenges Video recording
Research Highlight
Sander Nijdam (Eindhoven University of Technology) Anatomy of a streamer: detailed E-FISH and emission measurements of a single positive streamer in air (Video to be posted in December 2024) Video recording
Research Highlight
Chen Cui (Mississippi State University) Vlasov Simulations of Electric Propulsion Beam (Video to be posted in December 2024) Video recording
Qiang Chen (Xiamen University) Materials synthesis based on the plasma-liquid interactions Video recording
Research Highlight
Bo-Cong Zheng (Beijing Institute of Technology) Transport phenomena and energy dynamics in capacitively coupled plasmas Video recording
Research Highlight
Mohammad Samizadeh Nikoo (School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University) Nanoplasma Picosecond Switches for Future High-power Terahertz Sources Video recording
Shahid Rauf (Applied Materials) Modeling of Capacitively Coupled Plasmas Video recording
Research Highlight
Stephen White (Michigan State University) A new particle-in-cell method and its properties Video recording
Research Highlight
Okumura Takamasa (Kyushu University) Invitation to research on inducing plant response through plasma irradiation to seeds Video recording
Research Highlight
Hoang Nguyen (University of Notre Dame) Catalytic Upgrading of Biomass-Derived Oil to Jet Fuel Driven by Plasma-Liquid Discharge Video recording
Hans Höft (INP Greifswald) Breakdown manipulation of atmospheric pressure discharges tracked by synchronised sub-ns optical and electrical diagnostics Video recording
Research Highlight
Almaz Saifutdinov (Kazan National Research Technical University) Kinetics of fast electrons in the negative glow plasma of a short glow discharge and its application in analytical and plasma-chemical applications Video recording
Research Highlight
Lucas Silberer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) CO2 conversion in a pulsed Surfaguide microwave plasma at atmospheric pressure Video recording
Research Highlight
Yun-Chien Cheng (Department of Mechanical Engineering, NYCU,) Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Effects on Cancer Cells Video recording
Research Highlight
Shimin Yu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Impedance matching networks for Voltage Waveform Tailoring in CCPs. Video recording
De-Qi Wen (Dalian University of Technology) Recent advances in particle-in-cell/neutral fluid simulations of radio frequency capacitive plasmas from low to high pressures Video recording
Research Highlight
Sathya Ganta (Applied Materials) Investigation of instabilities in Low Pressure Magnetized Capacitively Coupled Plasma
Research Highlight
Abhishek Verma (Applied Materials) Intermediate Pressure Capacitively Coupled Ar/N2 Plasmas - Experimental Diagnostics and Modeling
Research Highlight
Jonas Giesekus (Ruhr University Bochum) IEDF control and plasma etching by Voltage Waveform Tailoring (VWT). Video recording
Research Highlight
Jae Hyun Nam (University of Minnesota) Mechanisms of gold nanoparticle synthesis by plasma-liquid interaction Video recording
Research Highlight
Han Luo (Applied Materials) Particle-in-cell modeling of low-pressure radio frequency hollow cathode discharge. Video recording
Research Highlight
Min Keun Lee (Seoul National University) Discharge Mode Transition in Partially Magnetized E×B Penning Discharge.
Petr Bilek (Institute of Plasma Physics of Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic) Kinetic models of radiative states in low-temperature plasma relevant for optical diagnostics of nanosecond discharges Video recording
Research Highlight
Charan Nallapareddy (University of Texas) Plasma chemical process and its diagnostics Video recording
Research Highlight
Margherita Altin (Maastricht University) Control of NOx formation and transfer in a flowing plasma reactor. Video recording
Research Highlight
Lucia Švandová (Department of Plasma Physics and Technology, Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia) Complex characterisation of Cr-doped α-Al2O3 for DBD applications. Video recording
Research Highlight
Prerna Unadkat (Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research) A Novel Multi-Aperture r-θ Configuration-Based Pseudospark-Driven Electron Beam Source. Video recording
Hans Höft (INP Greifswald) Fast diagnostics of pulsed discharges at atmospheric pressure. Video recording
Research Highlight
Adam Obrusnik (Masaryk University, Plasma Solve, Czech Republic) Simulation-guided development of a magnetized low-pressure air plasma source for electric propulsion applications: global plasma modeling Video recording
Thomas Trottenberg (Kiel University, Germany) Advanced diagnostics for electric space propulsion
Research Highlight
Christian Kiefer (Max-Planck-Institute of Plasma Physics, Germany) CO2 dissociation using a lab-scale microwave plasma torch: An experimental study in view of industrial application
Research Highlight
Sergey Soldatov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) Optimizing Gas Quenching for Improved CO2 Conversion in a Surface-Wave Microwave Reactor
Vincent Donnelly (University of Houston) Plasma-surface interaction
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