Early Career Award
GEC congratulates Trevor Lafleur on winning the GEC 2021 Early Career Award for his outstanding experimental, theoretical, and computational investigations on electron power absorption, waveform tailoring, magnetized plasmas, and plasma thrusters.
Early Career Researchers (< 10 years post PhD) represent the future driving force of Low Temperature Plasma/Collisions Science. The most accomplished individuals in this group will likely become leaders in these fields. Thus, appreciating their work and encouraging them to continue pursuing their careers is of key importance to the GEC community.
The Executive Committee of GEC will award one GEC Early Career Award in odd-numbered years, when the Allis-Prize is not awarded, to an Early Career Researcher in low temperature plasma/collisions science, who has made outstanding contributions to topics relevant to the GEC. Early Career Researcher is here defined as less than 10 years after PhD. The early career period can be extended to as long as 13 years based on documented family leaves that have interrupted research. The award will be $3,000 and a diploma citing the contributions made by the recipient along with hotel accommodation and a waived registration fee to attend the GEC at which the award will be presented. The Award winner will give a presentation on his/her work following presentation of the award. This will be an invited talk. The award will be presented at the banquet.
Nomination procedure:
Self-nomination are not permitted. The nomination package must include a:
- Letter of not more than 5,000 characters evaluating the qualifications of the nominee.
- Abstract for potential invited talk.
- CV of the nominee including the date of PhD.
- Publication list of the nominee including previous GEC contributions.
- At least two, but not more than four, seconding letters
- Explanation for request for extending the Early Career period.
Selection procedure:
The winner will be determined by the GEC Early Career Award Committee formed by a senior member of the Executive Committee, who will serve as committee chair. The sole evaluation criterion is scientific excellence in fields relevant to GEC.
For information on how to submit nominations including the deadline for nominations, please see the annual conference website.