
Awards and Poster Prizes

GEC Early Career Award

Application Deadline: June 2, 2023

Early Career Researchers (< 10.0 years post PhD-defense) represent the future driving force of Low-Temperature Plasma/Collisions Science. The most accomplished individuals in this group will likely become leaders in these fields. Thus, appreciating their work and encouraging them to continue pursuing their careers is a key strategy in strengthening the GEC community.

The Executive Committee of GEC will award one GEC Early Career Award in odd-numbered years, when the Allis-Prize is not scheduled to be competed, to an Early-Career Researcher in low-temperature plasma/collisions science, who has made outstanding contributions to GEC-relevant topics, such as low-temperature plasma science and engineering, partially ionized plasma phenomena, or collision effects in atomic and molecular physics. Early Career Researcher is here defined as less than 10.0 years after the PhD thesis defense. The early career period can be extended to as long as 13.0 years based on documented family leave-of-absenses* that have interrupted research. The award will be $3,000 and a diploma citing the contributions made by the recipient along with hotel accommodation and a waived registration fee to attend the GEC at which the award will be presented. The Award winner will give a presentation on his/her work following presentation of the award. This will be an invited talk. The award will be presented at the banquet.

*Not to be confused with paid time off (PTO) and vacation time, a leave of absence is a way for employees who are experiencing out-of-the-ordinary circumstances to take time off work. Common reasons are childbirth, adoption, caring for an ill family member, serious health conditions or military leave.

Nomination procedure (self-nominations are not permitted). The nomination package must include

Self-nominations are not permitted. The nomination package must include:

  • Letter of not more than 5,000 characters evaluating the qualifications of the nominee.
  • Abstract and title for the prospective award talk.
  • CV of the nominee including the specific date of successful PhD defense.
  • Publication list of the nominee including previous GEC-contribution abstracts with author lists.
  • At least two, but not more than four, seconding letters
  • Explanation for request, if being made, for extending the Early Career performance period.

Selection procedure:

The winner will be determined by the GEC Early-Career Award Committee formed by a senior member of the Executive Committee, who will serve as selection-committee chair. The sole evaluation criterion is scientific excellence in fields relevant to GEC.

The application materials must be submitted through the online portal noon US Central Time (5 pm GMT) on June 2nd, 2023. 

GEC Student Award for Excellence

Application deadline: June 9, 2023

The GEC executive committee announces the 2023 GEC Student Award for Excellence.
The award is to encourage and recognize the important contributions students make to the Gaseous Electronics Conference, specifically, and to the plasma/atomic-molecular optical science fields, in general, the GEC Executive Committee will recognize one (1) student presenter with the GEC Student Award for Excellence.

From the nominated students, up to five finalists will be selected and announced on the meeting website before the meeting. Each finalist will receive a recognition certificate that acknowledges the shortlisting.

The finalists will compete for the award and present their work at the conference.
The student award recipient will be announced at the banquet on Thursday October 12th 2023. The winner will receive the award consisting of a cash price of $1,000 USD and a certificate.

No more than one student may be nominated per supervisor.

Important: To be eligible for the award, the student must present a contributed talk (not a poster, nor an invited talk) at the GEC conference and provide the following:
A recommendation letter from the student’s research supervisor, a supporting letter by the student, a copy of the student’s abstract, and a curriculum vitae of the student. The application documents must be submitted via the GEC as a single PDF file before the application deadline.

The application materials must be submitted through the online portal by noon US Central Time (5 pm GMT) on June 9th, 2023.

Questions can be directed to Stephan Reuter - – head of the Student Award for Excellence Committee

GEC Student-Poster Prizes

Application deadline: September 29, 2023

The GEC gratefully acknowledges the important contributions made by students through the awarding of student-poster prizes. Three student posters will be selected by the GEC Executive Committee and recognized during the Closing Ceremony.

To be eligible for the award the student must present a poster as first author, and must register for the poster judging before the application deadline. More than one student from the same advisor may apply. At most one student per advisor will be awarded this poster prize. Undergraduate students are also encouraged to participate.

Nomination procedure:

Student-Poster Prize applications must be submitted through the online portal by noon US Central Time (5 pm GMT) on September 29th, 2023

  • Name and email address of the student
  • Title of the poster presentation
  • The name of the advisor

Questions can be directed to Chris Limbach -- – local organizing committee member.

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