GEC Committee Members

GEC 2021 Locals Organizing Committee Members

Conference secretary; local chair: Gabe Xu, University of Alabama in Huntsville (
Co-chair; sponsorship & exhibitor: Dana Waller, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Student excellence award: Aranka Derzsi, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary
GEC Early Career Award: Mark Kushner, University of Michigan
Student poster award: Rao Mentreddy, Alabama A&M University
Scholarships and grants: Ryan Gott, NASA Kennedy Space Center
Women in physics: Sarmia Tasmin, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Student networking: Michaela Hemming, University of Alabama in Hutnsville
Workshops: Vladimir Kolobov, CFD Research Corporation
NSF proposal: Steve Shannon, North Carolina State University
GEC conference manager:Eva Keidel
GEC Administrator: Saralyn Stewart

GEC Executive Committee Members

Chair: Julian Schulze, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Past Chair: Ed Barnat, Sandia National Laboratory, USA
Secretary: Gabe Xu, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
Secretary Elect: Toshiro Kaneko, Tohoku University, Japan
Past Secretary: Kallol Bera, Applied Materials Inc., USA
Treasurer: Aranka Derzsi, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary
Danil Dobrynin, Drexel University
Mark Koepke, West Virginia University
Mark Kushner, University of Michigan
Sandra Quintanilla, University of North Texas
Osamu Sakai, The University of Shiga Prefecture, Japan
Steven Shannon, North Carolina State University
Robin Conte, University of Massachusetts Boston


The 2021 GEC meeting will be a fully virtual meeting. The virtual platform for the 2021 GEC can be found at:

The virtual presenter and session chair instructions and training materials are available on the Presenter Instructions page. Please review these prior to the meeting.

This year, GEC has created the GEC Early Career award for early career researchers (<10 years post PhD). See the awards page for more information and nomination submissions.


Abstract Submission Opens:

Monday, March 22, 2021

Abstract Submission deadline:

Friday, June 18, 4 pm US Central Time (9 pm GMT)

Registration Due:

Registration Open Now!

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