Grants and Scholarships

Student Travel Grant

Student participation has long been a valued element of the GEC, and the Student Travel Grant program was established to enable a greater number of students to attend by defraying associated expenses. Travel Grant nominations are encouraged for students attending the 2024 GEC to make an oral or poster presentation of their research. Awards will include the full cost of conference registration and partial coverage for lodging at the conference hotel and travel. Recipients will be selected from the pool of nominated students by the GEC Scholarship committee, and because funds are limited, we request that no more than one nomination be submitted per research group.

Complete nominations will include the following:

  • A letter of support from the student’s advisor. The nomination letter should address the following factors to be considered by the selection committee: 1) the advisor’s assessment of the student, including research progress and the benefits to be gained by GEC attendance, 2) statement of financial need (i.e., would this grant enable attendance for additional students beyond student travel included in research grant budgets)
  • A copy of the student’s GEC 2024 submitted abstract in PDF format

Submit nominations by noon US Central Time (5 pm GMT) on June 9th, 2024.

Notes: 1) A nomination for a travel grant is separate from all other award nominations. 2) To attain the full benefit of the GEC conference experience, recipients of the travel grant are expected to attend the entire conference.

Please contact the GEC Scholarship chair, Ali Mesbah (, if you have any questions.

Recipients would be encouraged to consider volunteering for a couple of hours throughout the week (not a condition of acceptance).

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