
GEC 2024 Workshop speakers - Monday, September 30 2024

Workshop 1: Numerical Simulations of Low Pressure Plasma Using Particle-in-cell Codes: Issues, Future Directions and V&V procedures

Organized by Igor Kaganovich and Steve Shannon

  1. Denis Eremin

Title: Implicit particle-in-cell algorithm for simulations of low temperature plasmas

  1. Deborah Levin

Title: Use of Hybrid Architectures in Particle-in-cell Simulations using GPUs

  1. Jon Gudmundsson

Title: Verification methods for one-dimensional particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo collisional simulations

  1. Hyo-Chang Lee

Title: Developing an experimental database that can be used for validation of Particle-in-cell Simulations

  1. Gian Luca Delzanno

Title: Particle-In-Cell techniques on non-uniform meshes

  1. Joseph Wang

Title: Quantifying PIC Noise Effects on Particle Velocity Moments: Comparisons of PIC and Vlasov Simulations

Workshop 2: Plasmas for sustainability

Organized by Carmen Guerra-Garcia and Tiago Silva

  1. Danil Dobrynin

Title: Synthesis of polynitrogen materials using nanosecond-pulsed plasmas in liquid nitrogen

  1. Yiguang Ju

Title: Plasma Control and Non-Equilibrium Chemicals and Materials Manufacturing

  1. Richard Van de Sanden

Title: Renewable electricity driven chemical conversion:Novel pathways provided by plasma enhanced chemistry

  1. Christophe Laux

Title: Toward Sustainable Energy Production with Plasma-Assisted Combustion

  1. Olivier Guaitella

Title: Plasma-surface interaction mechanisms for CO2 recycling

  1. Peter Bruggeman

Title: Kinetics and Mass Transport in Plasma Catalysis

  1. Selma Mededovic Thagard

Title: Environmental Applications of Non-thermal Plasmas 

  1. Enoch Dames

Title: Low Carbon-Intensity Thermal Plasma Production of Hydrogen and High-Value Carbon Products: a 10-Year Journey from Lab to Commercial Scale

Workshop 3: Fundamentals of Gas Breakdown

Organized by Kentaro Hara

  1. John Foster

Title: Electrical breakdown phenomena at the surface and within liquids

  1. Peng Zhang

Title: Basics and recent advances in multipactor physics and mitigation

  1. June Young-Kim

Title: Fundamentals of DC Breakdown Physics and Its Applications in Industry

  1. Sander Nijdam

Title: Recent understanding of streamer discharges by combining experiments and numerical modelling 

  1. Yangyang Fu

Title: Microscale electrical breakdown: a review of recent advances

  1. Matthew Hopkins

Title: Surface Flashover

  1. Zhili Zhang

Title: Fundamental Physics and Applications of Laser-Induced Breakdown

  1. Pedro Almeida

Title: Direct-current breakdown in high-pressure air

  1. Zoltan Donko

Title: Radiofrequency breakdown at low gas pressures

Workshop 4: Data-driven Plasma Science

Organized by Jan Trieschmann and Satoshi Hamaguchi

  1. Satoru Kawaguchi

Title: Physics-informed neural networks for calculation and measurement of fundamental data on electron transport in plasmas

  1. Ali Mesbah

Title: Data-Enabled Control of Low-Temperature Plasma Interactions with Complex Interfaces

  1. Jonathan Tennyson

Title: Recent developments in the provision of atomic and molecular data for plasma modelling

  1. Linlin Zhong

Title: Physics-informed low-temperature plasma simulation: frameworks and applications

  1. Kallol Bera

Title: Neural Network Model of Radio-Frequency Plasmas 

  1. Seolhye Park

Title: Data-driven plasma science-based plasma etching process design in OLED and Semiconductor mass productions referring to PI-VM

  1. Jinseok Kim

Title: A Study for Solving the Boltzmann Equation with Variable E/N using Physics-informed Neural Networks

  1. Richard Gottscho

Title: Human-Machine Collaboration in Semiconductor Process Development

  1. Tsuyoshi Moriya

Title: Plasma process optimization using machine learning

  1. Christine Greve

Title: TBA

  1. Jan Van Dijk and Daan Boer (LXCAT)

Title: An Introduction to Version 3 of the LXCat Plasma Input Data Platform

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