Invited Speakers

The list of invited speakers (alphabetical) at the 2024 GEC in San Diego, California are as follows:

Abbas Semnani, University of Toledo, USA
Synergies of plasma-electromagnetic interaction in RF electronic applications

Ahmad Hamdan, Université de Montréal, Canada
Nanosecond discharge in air in contact with liquids at different electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity

Alejandro Alvarez Laguna, Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France
High-order moment closures for fluid models in weakly-ionized plasmas

Alexander Khrabry, Princeton University, USA
Analysis of chemical mechanisms in methane pyrolysis for carbon product generation

Alexander Perel, Applied Materials Inc., USA
Plasma density oscillations in an ion implanter source and their effect on ion beam transmission

Ana Sobota, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
The interaction of atmospheric pressure plasmas with targets

Andrei Khomenko, Applied Materials Inc., USA
Advanced diagnostics in industrial plasma processing reactors

Andrei Smolyakov, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
On plasma acceleration in magnetic nozzle/mirror configurations

Andrew Tasman Powis, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA
Algorithms and high-performance computing for kinetic low-temperature plasma simulations - the pathway to whole device modeling

Anthony Murphy, CSIRO Manufacturing, Australia
Hydrogen plasma processing of iron ore

Arthur Dogariu, Texas A&M and Princeton Universities, USA
Ultrafast advanced optical diagnostics for large-scale facilities

Carmen Guerra-Garcia, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Discharges in reactive and flowing gases

David B. Go, University of Notre Dame, USA
Piezoelectric Crystals for Plasma Discharge Generation

David Fried, Lam Research, USA
Chips making chips: The role of reactor-scale modeling and virtualization in advanced semiconductor development

Dmitry Fursa, Curtin University, Australia
Electron and positron collision calculations

Emmanuelle Rosati Azevedo, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Hall Thrusters using Water as a Propellant R

Eray Aydil, New York University, USA
The potential roles for plasmas in the electrification and decarbonization of chemical manufacturing

Fabien Tholin, ONERA, France
MHD modeling of lightning arcs, electrical explosions, and plasma discharges

Ilya Fabrikant, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA
Laser-assisted positron and positronium collisions

Ioan F. Schneider, Université Le Havre Normandie, France
Electron-induced reactivity of molecular cations in low-temperature plasmas and astrochemistry

James Babb, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, USA
Low energy atomic and ionic collisions

Jean-Pierre Boeuf, Universite de Toulouse III, France
Striations in a positive column plasma. Role of transport coefficients and stepwise ionization

Judith Golda, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Plasma-surface interaction in plasma catalysis

Karoly Tokesi, HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research, 4026 Debrecen, Hungary, and HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research, 1121 Budapest, Hungary
Ionization, total and state selective charge exchange cross sections in fusion related collision systems

Kazunori Koga, Kyushu University, Japan
Study on plasma-driven omics variation on plant seeds

Lenka Zajíčková, CEITEC and Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Role of plasma polymerization conditions in forming unsaturated and aromatic bonds and free radicals

Li Wang, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Uniformity control in low pressure capacitive RF plasmas by electrode customization

Mario Merino, University of Madrid, Spain
PIC and fluid simulations of low-pressure magnetized plasmas for electric propulsion

Mark A. Cappelli, Stanford University, USA
Plasma electromagnetics: from optical computing to the study of topological interface states

Mark Koepke, West Virginia University, USA
The role of periodic nonlinear phenomena on low-temperature plasma science

Naoki Shirai, Hokkaido University, Japan
Atmospheric-pressure DC exited discharge with liquid anode and cathode

Pedro Viegas, Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Surface recombination in oxygen-containing plasmas

Pingshan Luan, TEL Technology Center America, USA
Opportunities and challenges of plasma modeling in supporting industrial etch development

Mohan Sankaran, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Plasma electrochemistry for organic synthesis

Sanghoo Park, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, S. Korea
Understanding nitrous and nitric acids formation in plasma-treated water for food applications

Shota Sasaki, Tohoku University, Japan
Controlled generation of reactive nitrogen species using air plasmas and its agricultural applications

Sierra Jubin, Princeton University, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA
Numerical Thermalization Timescales in Electrostatic Particle-in-Cell Simulations

Sophia Gershman, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA
Environmental applications of non-equilibrium plasma sources

Svetlana Starikovskaya, Laboratory for Plasma Physics, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Dissociation of CO2 by nanosecond discharge: TALIF - measurements of O-atoms density and fast gas heating

Tat Loon Chng, National University of Singapore
Electric field measurements using the E-FISH diagnostic for non-equilibrium plasmas

Thierry Magin, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Plasma-surface interactions in hypersonic and atmospheric entry flows

Thorsten Lill, Lam Research, USA
Physical and chemical effects in low temperature etching of semiconductor materials

Tiago C. Dias, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Unified Monte Carlo formulation of nanosecond discharges

Tiago Silva, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidad de Lisboa, Portugal
Plasmas for CO2 conversion on Mars

Toshiro Kaneko, Tohoku University, Japan
Spatio-temporal dynamics of plasmas in contact with low-dimensional interfacial liquids

Uwe Czarnetzki, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Inductively coupled array (INCA) discharge

Vandana Miller, Drexel University, USA
Feedback between plasma source and biological tissue

XinPei Lu, HuaZhong University of Science and Technology, China
Plasma for nitrogen fixation: comprehensive diagnosis of plasma parameters and reaction pathway

Yasunori Tanaka, Kanazawa University, Japan
Higher-Order Spatio-Temporal Control of Induction Thermal Plasma Flow

Yue-Ying Lau, University of Michigan, USA
Recent advances in the Child-Langmuir law in one, two, and three dimensions

Yuki Inada, Saitama University, Japan
Electron density and electric field measurement of space-time-controlled single-filament streamer discharge in atmospheric-pressure air

Zoltan Donko, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary
Self-consistent computation of the optical emission spectrum of low-pressure argon capacitively coupled plasmas

Zsolt Mezei, HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungary
Electron-driven reactivity of molecular cations in cold plasmas

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