GEC 2020 and 2021 recordings are available
The recordings from the 2020 and 2021 virtual GECs are now available to registered participants in these conferences. Please view the conference presentations using the links below. You will need an account to access these videos.
Please note that recordings are only available for talks whose authors have authorized sharing of their GEC presentations on the GEC website. If you are an author, we encourage you to provide GEC your consent to make the recording of your sessions available. You can find instructions for doing so by logging on the GEC Online website (www.apsgec.org/online) or by contacting us.
The origin of the annual Gaseous Electronics Conference
The Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC - https://www.aps.org/units/gec/), a special meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP), promotes ideas on the physical and chemical processes and dynamics taking place in partially ionized, collisional plasma and between the atoms, molecules, charged particles, photons, waves, and fields. The GEC has a long leadership history of presenting fundamental and basic science contributions on plasma sources, diagnostics, simulation, plasma chemistry, basic phenomena, atomic and molecular processes. In recent years, GEC has also been a leading venue for reporting on emergent areas of plasma-biotechnology, plasma medicine, multiphase plasmas, environmental applications and atmospheric-pressure plasma systems.